Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Polar Bears

Did you know...
Only pregnant female polar bears hibernate.


Did you know...
Chickens with white earlobes will lay white eggs, and chicken with red earlobes will lay brown eggs.

Peanut Butter

Did you know...
The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth is called arachibutyrophobia


Did you know...
Asthma affects 1 in 15 kids under the age of eighteen.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Did you know...
No piece of paper, no matter how big, thin, thick, or small, can be folded in half more than seven times.

Mr. Peanut

Did you know...
Mr. Peanut, the Planters Peanuts mascot, was created in 1916 in a contest for schoolchildren.


Did you know...
Pucks hit by hockey sticks have reached speeds up to 150 miles per hour.

Jelly Belly

Did you know...
There are about 1,250,000 Jelly Belly jelly beans manufactured per hour. Per day, that adds up to about 100,000 pounds per day.

Baskin Robbins

Did you know...
One quarter of Baskin Robbins' profits are from vanilla ice cream.


Did you know...
A monkey in South Bend, Indiana was once tried and convicted for smoking a cigarette.


Did you know...
The loudest recorded burp was as loud as a chainsaw. The record is held at 118.1 decibels, by Paul Hunn.

Peter Pan

Did you know...
The name 'Wendy' was made up for Peter Pan.

Orca Whales

Did you know...
When Orca (Killer) whales travel together, they breathe in unison.


Olympus Mons
Did you know...
The largest known volcano in our universe is Olympus Mons, on Mars.


Did you know...
Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley are the three western names known best in China.


Did you know...
Only 44% of children watch television before going to bed.


Did you know...
1 out of every 20 people has an extra rib.


Did you know...

The rarest naturally occurring element is Astatine with only 30 grams estimated to be in the Earth's crust. It is also a highly radioactive halogen.


Did you know...
Stones is an actual unit of measurement, equal to 14 pounds.